Janet Living Renewed
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About Janet

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Hi friend, I am a big believer in the power of our stories. I battled two separate types of breast cancers two years apart and I have lived in remission for over a decade. I fought with the same passion, courage, fear and the willingness to battle that most cancer patients fight with. Why some survive and some do not is a heart wrenching puzzle. Today there are more discoveries on the power of the mind and heart to affect our physical outcome and we are just beginning to learn it’s mysteries.

I discovered beauty and renewal in the transformation of the battles. I am very grateful for a third chance at living and I strive to make every day count in new and uplifting ways that serve the highest good of others.  I live with a RENEWED appreciation for the gifts within each day and I want to encourage others to see their life through the lenses of gratitude.

We all face challenges on our journey in this world.  Some of mine came in the form of multiple operations with one being twenty one hours long followed later in the day by a seven hour surgery and then a few hours later a two hour final surgery. All to try to save a breast that was fighting us every step of the way. I would have to endure chemo, radiation, leech therapy for days (so many strange moments), more than one shaved head and an ongoing relationship with remission’s “scanxiety”.

My goal is to be an ongoing, uplifting source of light, support, belief, encouragement and a reflection of many of the parts within you that grow through adversity into strength. I want to share tips for eating for health and why exercise matters for your longevity. No matter what you face in your life, you are stronger than you think you are. God’s mercy and healing grace guided me on a path I never dreamed I would have to travel. Along this journey, I learned valuable lessons about the human spirit, fear, self-love, courage and no matter what … YOU are worthy and loved.

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“What we focus on we make space for in our lives. As survivors, we have to make adjustments in our way of thinking and that can take time. We are the keepers of our thoughts and we need to choose our words wisely for they both have tremendous power.”

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Moving Towards Recovery


We are all walking this planet together and we can be a loving resource for each other. Our experiences have common threads that connect us and help us see we are not alone in what we are feeling. We have all faced challenges of recovery and restoration in some aspect of our lives.  It is healing in many ways when we open ourselves up and share our journey with others. We have so much to offer. What challenges are you facing now? 

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Through my journey, my faith deepened and God’s love and mercy became my refuge and strength. We are meant to be dependent on His guidance and grace. I learned which healthy choices make the biggest impact in protecting our bodies and influencing our longevity. (I had no idea how much power there is for us with certain foods). I learned to embrace the many blessings of self love and will be sharing what I learn along the way. I believe we are meant to be in community with one another. I would love to feature your own inspirational journeys on my blog to open more doors for information sharing. Together, we can help each other stand in strength and grow into the people our hearts are yearning for us to become.

Along the path towards recovery, I connected to the power within my CREATIVITY and it provided a calming energy that grounded me in the midst of the storm of uncertainty swirling around me. If you have been given a passion for creativity in ANY form, explore it. My calming creativity source is jewelry designing with nature’s stones. Our creative gifts are there for a reason. It is nurturing to our souls when we express ourselves through these connections to our gifts and it can become a therapeutic peaceful presence in your life amid the chaos of battling cancer.

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Someone To Walk With You

If you are struggling with cancer, are in your first year of remission, or are the caregiver of someone in this battle, there are cancer survivors who will walk this journey with you. There is a wonderful organization named CanCare which matches each warrior with a survivor of the SAME battle and SIMILAR treatment plan. Talking with someone who personally knows your battle can bring great comfort and hope. Visit www.cancare.org to gain inspiration and strength from this compassionate program.