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You are a child of God

As God’s children, we are loved beyond what we can possibly comprehend. God wants us to lean on him and live with joy, love, faith and trust that He will always be by our side. We will need Him by our side because we are not promised a perfect life. We could never fully grow, learn the lessons of compassion and forgiveness and evolve into our purpose if we had a perfect life. We will hit walls, climb mountains, swim through rough currents, and stand at the edge of the cliff of uncertainty. These challenges, if we attempt to overcome them alone, will reveal to us how human we really are. We need His love to grace us with strength to stand in these paths that seem impossible to travel.


We are His children and He wants us to trust that He will use all things for GOOD. It is His promise to us. We are asked to walk in faith in this world and not by sight. When I found myself at my lowest and most fearful state, a dear friend asked me “WHO do you say God IS?”

That question might have come out of her mouth, but it was God asking it. I knew He was speaking through her at that very second. It was a simple question, but at that moment, the answer to it was everything. I knew God was my father and He wanted me to believe in His love. He was my sovereign Lord. My absolute, unlimited, boundless and loving father whose spirit lives within me.

I trusted daily that God had a hold of His daughter. He has a hold of you, too. As I cried and laid my fear at His feet, sometimes hour by hour, I knew I was not alone. I knew I was putting my faith in something bigger, better and higher than my struggle …God’s WORD. Our faith begins where the will of God is known. How do you know what God’s will is? You have been left 66 chapters that will tell you. Ask for Him to guide you to what you need to read. Through the storms of our lives, we can trust His promises.

The Bible is God’s last will and testament. What if you had a wealthy relative that passed and had left behind a will of everything he wanted you to know and it included gifts for you. Would you live year by year struggling with great adversity and all the time wondering, “Hmmm, what could be in that will? What did he leave me?” No, you would read it and find out. Search the Word and read what it reveals about healing. Jesus walked the earth as God in man form showing us what God wants us to understand. What was one of the cornerstones of what he did? He healed those that heard the Word and stood in faith. The bible reveals that the Word is health to the flesh. Jesus said, “he that hath seen me hath seen the Father … the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works,” John 14:8-10. Jesus showed us God’s compassion for us.

If God is the same yesterday, today and forever, then I know healing is still a blessing to be prayed for today. I also know that if my faith can never operate beyond my knowledge of God’s Word, then I need to feed on it daily until the wisdom moves from my head and rests in my heart. His Word tells us in Isaiah 53:5, “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Faith is the currency that releases God’s power and delivers His promises.

I pray daily to walk the rest of my journey in remission and to have the discernment to live my purpose. I pray for anyone in a health battle today to seek God’s grace and mercy. Many friends and family are in prayer for you right now. It is hard to battle illness, but you never have to battle it alone. Lean on God. There is always hope.

Want to hear more? Check out my blog posts on faith.

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