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Your Body Needs You

Every day you can step TOWARDS your health or AWAY from it with simple choices that add up to big changes. You have so much power to affect your health. The Bio-active components of certain fruits, vegetables and spices play a key role in detoxification and enhance the efficiency of these reactions. Your kitchen can be an unbelievable asset. Exercise, Meditation, Faith and Self Love complete the picture of the POWER of YOU.

Take great care of the gift that is YOU. Your daily choices play a major role in your overall health. That is actually a very good thing because bad choices can be replaced with better ones. As much as two-thirds of all cancers may be related to lifestyle factors. Let that tumble in your mental dryer for a moment. What habits have you formed that you know are not good for you, but you just can’t seem to give them up? It is time to make some changes because your body needs you to be accountable. Are you eating fruits and vegetables or are you a magnet for sugar and processed foods? Are you sleeping well? Drinking water?

Reducing stress will also provide another layer of benefit in your quest to honor your health. Exercise, meditation, reducing caffeine and many other stress relieving choices will impact the quality of your life in ways that will astound you. There IS a proven Mind / Body connection that can serve your highest good.

My recovery has centered around three main tenants of my health:

1. Food

The nutrients and bioactive properties found in key foods, green teas and spices can affect change in your body in amazing ways. Your choices can safeguard your health, boost your brain power, affect tumor growth and many other incredibly powerful advantages. Knowledge IS Power.

2. Exercise

Keep your body moving, flush out toxins, and don’t let things stagnate in your body and fester into a problem. Take your body out for a spin and keep the dust from building up. Exercise is so critical that there is even Exercise Oncology now. Whether it is a walking routine, taking stairs or training for a marathon… You. Must. Move.

3. Mindfulness

Finding time each day to be still and fully present is a powerful tool for balancing your body’s systems and reducing stress - all of which promotes good health and harmony. It is a gift for your mind and body! Chronic stress causes inflammation, which can lead to illness and disease if left unchecked. Learn to come HOME to yourself.

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There is so much I want to share with you on all three of these important topics. When you take good care of your body and mind, you are showing yourself love and compassion that will open new doors for even greater acts of self love. I will continue to share tips and information from the lessons I have learned that can start making a difference in your life. Let’s help each other live healthier and pay it forward by sharing our nuggets of well earned wisdom with others.

Learn how small steps every day can positively affect your health and longevity by checking out my blog posts below!


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