Janet Living Renewed
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“Your inspiring and educational lecture is one that I will listen to again and again! It gave me both new tools and suggestive reminders for better health and joyful living. Thank you again for your time and talents and, most of all, for sharing your loving insights.” GH


Hi There!

My name is Janet. I am a two-time breast cancer survivor with a RENEWED sense of gratitude for the gift of time, uncovering where I was unknowingly vulnerable and the healing discoveries about the POWER we all have to make a positive impact in our health and longevity. When you treat the mind, body and soul as a WHOLE system, it creates a powerful healing energy that can lead to better wellness. My wish is for my wake up calls to help you sidestep the potential mountain of yours. I discovered the power of becoming your own healthcare advocate and it opened my eyes to the many ways I had been exposing myself to vulnerability.

I am glad our paths crossed. The most important thought I want to share is …. YOU have more power than you think. Your story is enough and you are worthy of living your unlived life. Janet Living Renewed was created as an outlet for the discoveries I made that has opened new doors for many people just like you in the RENEWED Community. Together we learn the power of food as medicine, why exercise heals, what meditation really does for you and how unresolved trauma affects your ability to feel the present moment and live healthy. Our bodies want to be healed, we just need to do our part to cultivate the soil.

For years, my friends have asked me to tell my personal cancer story. It is a unique path that still has me shaking my head at times. I hope you will take the time to read it. I promise there are more than a few moments that will surprise you. Our stories, no matter their path, can serve others if we will find the strength to show up and be willing to be seen.


Life’s challenges push us to grow beyond what we thought we were capable of and become the person we need ourselves to discover.


Some people joke with me and say, “well at least you wound up with a new pair of twins to travel down the road with”. I smile back and say, “well, let’s just say I have two girls riding the same bus.

Excerpt from Janet’s Story

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