3 of my favorite Anti-Cancer Foods


We all deserve a lifetime of making memories with the people we love. Sadly, for some, cancer threatens to cut our time short and rob us of the glory of living. We can fight this foe, though, and “WARRIOR UP” to defend ourselves against this threat and a very good place to start is the kitchen.  At every meal, you have the chance to step towards or move away from defending yourself against danger. This is empowering news because it means YOU have a chance every single day to impact your health with the right choices.

We all know what foods taste good to us, what we crave when our emotions need comforting and what is fast and easy to make when we are in a hurry.  But, do you really understand the connection between your body and what happens when certain super foods are consumed? You are literally in the mother ship of your longevity when you are standing in your bathrobe gazing into the frig! We should be dancing in our house shoes by the sheer possibilities of the power we hold in our choices.

Certain foods can inhibit tumor growth, boost your immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce heart disease risks, lower cholesterol, strengthen bones, and much more.  ALL FROM FOOD! Yes, medications can play a huge role in how our body fights disease, but so can rock star fruits and vegetables that don’t always get the focus from the medical profession that they deserve.

Experts say as high as 70% of cancers are caused by our diet, lifestyle and environment. I am empowered by that statistic and it gives me hope. I would rather have the majority of my risk in my own hands. I can make better food choices, exercise and find ways to reduce stress. I just don’t want to feel like a helpless victim without any power over my fate.

As a two-time survivor that does not want to face cancer a third time, I have done research, talked to doctors, nutritionists, and a wide range of health advocates to find out what foods are good for me and will ultimately give me the best chance to stay healthy and in remission until I am old and gray.  I think 94 sounds like a good goal! Bring on the wrinkles, no complaints here!

This week, my focus is on three of my twenty favorite rock stars: broccoli, blueberries and garlic. What are some of your favorite foods to boost your health? As with any new considerations for food, talk to your doctor or nutritionists to determine the best path for you. Shopping organic is always a good choice as well.



A super hero food

Learn to LOVE it!

  1. Broccoli

What’s so healthy about broccoli?

When you cut or chew a piece of broccoli, you start a chain reaction: an enzyme called myrosinase breaks down chemicals in the broccoli cells called glucosinolates. One by-product is an organic compound called sulforaphane, which is present in all brassicas or cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, turnip, rutabaga and kale) but particularly rich in broccoli. Sulforaphane contains sulphur and is partly responsible for broccoli’s pungent aroma and flavour.

Sulforaphane benefits the body in several ways: it inhibits the activity of an enzyme called HDAC, which can interfere with beneficial gene activity and it also blocks the formation of fibres that enable cancer cells to divide, thereby preventing those cells from proliferating. And while the formation of cancerous cells usually turns off a process called DNA methylation’which is vital for normal cell development’sulforaphane switches it back on.

As well as sulforaphane,  broccoli is rich in phytochemicals, fibre, folate, minerals and vitamins, especially vitamins C, K and A.


In My Kitchen: I cut up my broccoli and bag it at the beginning of the week and use it every day on salads, steamed with lemon or used as a dipper for hummus.


Nature’s Candy

They go everywhere with me!

2. Blueberries

Blueberries are an excellent source of vitamins C and K, manganese and a good source of dietary fiber. Blueberries are among the fruits highest in antioxidant power, largely due to their many phytochemicals:

  • Anthocyanins, catechins, quercetin, kaempferol and other flavonoids

  • Ellagitannins and ellagic acid

  • Pterostilbene and resveratrol

Blueberries have antioxidant power which protects your body from free radical damage which can harm your cells and contribute to aging and cancer.  Blueberries can neutralize DNA damage and help with blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease.


In My Kitchen: I add blueberries to oatmeal, cereal, fruit smoothies, salads and sometimes throw them in with cut cantaloupe and blackberries for an after dinner treat.  Nature’s candy and very easy to eat!

Activates our body’s natural Killer Cells

(That’s good…)

3. Garlic

According to studies by biochemist Dr. Richard Beliveau, author of Foods That Fight Cancer, garlic is the top anti-cancer super food, especially for its ability to activate our body’s Natural Killer cells. Beliveau’s research found that garlic can reverse human cancer cell growth up to 100%.

The sulfur compounds in garlic give its distinctive scent, along with many of its health benefits. But each clove of garlic is crammed with a variety of phytochemicals, many showing cancer-fighting properties.
Flavonoids - anti-inflammatory benefits

Inulin - a prebiotic fiber that promotes gut health

Saponins - improves immune system

When you crush or chop garlic, that releases the compound allicin.  Allicin lowers inflammation and offers antioxidants.

In My Kitchen: I mince garlic to add to pastas or to rub on baked bread right before it goes in the oven. I sprinkle garlic powder on salads, baked potatoes and other foods. Sometimes I bake garlic pods for spreading on bread. I LOVE the smell of garlic cooking in the kitchen!